August 31, 2018
One of the things
that I enjoy more than anything else is learning new things , getting curious
about something and diving in and fiddling around and learning through trials
and error and eventually becoming pretty good at something. I am a big geek, I
want to keep learning things I want to keep growing . So what I decided to do
was go to the library and go to the bookstore and look at what research says
about how we learn and how we learn quickly. I read a bunch of books ,a bunch
of websites . Trying to answer this question how long does it take to acquire a
new skill? You know what I found… 10000 hours ,It takes 10000 hours. If you
want to learn something new, if you want to be good at it, it is going to take
10000 hours to get there. I read this in book after book, in website after
website . My mental experience of reading all this staff was like NOOO!!! I
don't have time, I don't have 10000 hours. I thought I am never going to be
able to learn anything new Ever again. But that is not true. 10000 hours,
just to give you a rough order of magnitude, is a full time job for five years. That is a long time and we've all had the experience of learning something
new and it didn't take us anywhere close
to that amount of time. So what's up? There is something funky going on here .
What the research says and what we expect and have experiences they don't match
up. What I found here is the wrinkle , the 10000 hour rule came out of studies
of expert-level performance . There is a professor at Florida State University
his name is K.Anders Ericsson, he is the originator of the 10000 hour rule and
where that came from is he studied professional
athletes, world class musicians chess grand masters . All of these ultra
competitive folks in ultra-high performing fields and he tried to figure out
how long does it take to get to the top of those kinds of fields and what he
found is the more deliberate practice ,the more time that those individuals
spend practicing the elements of whatever it is that they do ,the more time you
spend the better you get . The folks at
the tippy top of their fields put in around 10000 hours of practice . An author
by the name of Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book in 2007 called " outliers:
the story of success" and the central piece of that book was the 10000 hour rule. Practice a lot , practice
well and you will be extremely well you will reach the top of your field . So
the message what Dr. Ericsson was actually giving is it takes 10000 hours to
get at the top of an ultra competitive field in a very narrow subject , that is
what that means . But here is what happened , ever since outliers came out ,
immediately came out reached the top of best seller lists , stayed there for
three solid months . All of a sudden the 10000 hour rule was everywhere and a society -wide game of
telephone started to be played . So this message, it takes 10000 hours to
reach the top of an ultra competitive field became it takes 10000 hours to
become an expert at something, which became it takes 10000 hours to become good
at something ,which became it takes 10000 hours to learn something but that last
statement it takes 10000 hours to learn something is not true, It is not true at
all. What the research actually says, when you actually look at the studies of
skill acquisition you see over and over a graph like this .
researchers whether they're studying a motor skill, something you do physically
or a mental skill, they like to study things that they can time because you can
quantify that. So they'll give research participants a little task something that requires physical arrangement or something that requires learning a little
mental trick and they'll time how long a participant takes to complete the
skill and here is what this graph says when you start, so when researchers
gave participants a task it took them a really long time because it was new and
they were horrible. With a little bit of practice they get better and better
and better and the wary part of practice is really efficient . People get good
at things with just a little bit of practice. Now what is Interesting to note
is that for skill we want to learn for ourselves we don't care so much about
time , we just care how good we are whatever good happens to mean. So if we relabel
performance time to how good you are ,the graph flips and you get this famous
and widely known this is the learning curve . The story of learning curve is
when you start your are not good , with a little bit of practice you get really
good really quick . So that early level of improvement is really fast then at a
certain point you reach a plateau and The subsequent games become much harder
to get , they take more time to get. My question is how long does it take from
starting something and being grossly incompetent in knowing it to being reasonably good in hopefully as
short period of time as possible. So how long does that take, here is what my
research says: 20 hours that is it. You can go from knowing nothing about any
skill that you can think of, want to learn a language? want to Learn how to
draw? If you put 20 hours of focused deliberate practice into that thing you
will be astounded, astounded at how good you are . 20 hours is doable that is
about 45 minutes a day for about a month, even skipping a couple of days here
and there. 20 hours isn't that hard to accumulate. Now there is a method to
doing this. Because it is not like you can just start fiddling around for
about 20 hours and expect these massive improvements. There is a way to
practice intelligently, there is a way to practice efficiently. That will
make sure you invest those 20 hours in the most effective way that you possibly
can. Here is the method it applies to anything. The first is to deconstruct
the skill ,decide exactly what you want to be able to do when you're done .
Then look into the skill and break it down into smaller pieces. Most of the
things that we think of as skills are actually big bundles of skills that
require all sort of different things. The more you can break apart the skill
the more you're able to decide what are the parts of this skill that would
actually help me get to what I want and then you can practice those first. If
you practice the most important things first you'll be able to improve your
performance in the least amount of time possible.
The second is learn enough to self
correct. Get three to five resources about what it is you're trying to learn.
It could be books , DVDs , courses it could be anything. But don't use those
as a way to procrastinate on practice.
What you want to do is learn enough that you can actually practice and self
correct or self edit as you practice. So the learning becomes a way of getting
better at noticing when you're making a mistake and then doing something little
The third is to remove barriers to
practice. Distractions, television, Internet all of these things that get in
the way of you actually sitting down sand doing the work. The more you're able
to use just little bit of willpower to remove the distractions that are keeping
you from practicing, the more likely you are to actually sit down and practice
The fourth is to practice for least 20
hours. Now most skills have what I call a frustration barrier, you know the
grossly-incompetent and knowing it part . That is really frustrating . We
don't like to feel stupid and feeling stupid is a carrier to us actually
sitting down and doing the work. By per-committing to practicing whatever it
is that you want to do for at least 20 hours. You will be able to overcome
that initial frustration barrier and stick with the practice long enough to
actually reap the rewards. That is it ! It is to rocket science . Four very
simple steps that you can use to learn anything .
The major barrier to skill acquisition isn't
intellectual, it is not the process of you learning a bunch of little tips or
tricks or things,The major barriers are emotional, we're scared feeling stupid
doesn't feel good, in the beginning of learning anything new you really feel
stupid. So the major barrier is not intellectual it is emotional. But put 20 hours into anything, it doesn't matter what do you want to learn whether it
is a language or learn to cook or learn to draw, what turns you on, what lights
you up, Go out and do that thing it only takes 20 hours to get it.
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